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Sliced Pork & Tofu Roll with Pomelo Salad - a Great Mid-Autumn Festival Cooking Idea

Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner. If you still haven't decided what to cook for your festive meal, why not consider trying out this recipe?

Every Mid-Autumn Festival, BigBoy's family enjoys eating pomelo. The significance of pomelo is well-known, but for details, you can refer to the article "Pork Skewer with Pomelo Salad". Pork is also a must-have ingredient during Mid-Autumn Festival; phonetically, "豚" (pork) sounds exactly the same as "團" (reunion). Gathering together on the night of the full moon, drinking and eating pork, there's nothing more precious than this moment.

This time, I'd like to introduce a popular dish that's perfect for the dinner table. This recipe for tofu-wrapped pork rolls with Japanese-style pomelo salad is simple to make and very satisfying. Using pork slices typically used for hot pot from the supermarket, wrap them around flavourful and firm tofu to create pork tofu rolls. Serve them with sauce and a refreshing Japanese-style pomelo salad for a delightful meal.


📌Hot pot pork slices come in various sizes. If you have the thinner slices, consider using two slices of pork to wrap around each piece of tofu.

📌This recipe yields 8 pieces of tofu pork rolls. If serving a larger group, it's recommended to double the recipe.



Basic Ingredients

Firm Tofu

1 carton

Sliced Pork

1 carton(about 250g)

Corn starch

1 tsp


1 pc

Soy Sauce

2 tbsp


2 tbsp


4 tbsp

Sesame Oil

1 tsp


2 tsp

Japanese-styled Pomelo Salad


100 g

Cherry Tomato

5 pcs

Mixed Salad Leaves

70 g

Yuzu Salad Dressing (store bought)

2 tbsp


1. Cut the firm tofu into strips about 2 cm thick each, and blot them dry with kitchen paper towels.

2. Place one slice of pork on top of a strip of tofu, roll it up, and sprinkle a little cornstarch at the seam to seal it.

3. Grate the ginger into ginger paste. Separate the flesh of the pomelo. Halve the cherry tomatoes.

4. Mix the pomelo flesh, cherry tomatoes, salad greens, and Japanese yuzu dressing together to prepare the salad. Set aside.

5. Mix together ginger paste, soy sauce, mirin, water, and sesame oil until well combined.

6. Heat a frying pan over medium heat, add enough cooking oil, then place the pork and tofu rolls into the pan. Fry them until the surface turns golden brown.

7. Pour in the pre-mixed soy sauce mixture, and cook until the sauce reaches the desired thickness.

8. 於碟上排好豚肉豆腐卷,灑上白芝麻,並於一旁放上柚子沙律即成。

8. Arrange the pork and tofu rolls on a plate. Sprinkle some sesame on top. Put the pomelo salad aside and it's done!

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