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Fortune Tofu & Prawns Pockets - an indispensable New Year Dish

On every traditional Lunar New Year dining table, the dishes must not only be visually appealing, aromatic, and flavourful but also carry New Year’s blessings. The dish “Fortune Tofu & Prawns Pockets” stands out with its unique symbolism and rich flavour, making it an indispensable delicacy for festive celebrations.

The Meaning of Tofu

The main ingredient of this dish is tofu. In Chinese culture, tofu symbolizes wealth and good fortune because the word “豆” (tofu) sounds similar to “到” (arrival), representing the arrival of wealth. The name “Fortune Tofu” directly conveys wishes for an abundance of financial prosperity in the New Year. Additionally, this dish incorporates prawns, which symbolizes “laughter” in Chinese culture, reflecting happiness and joy in the coming year. Each bite of the crispy “fortune pockets” evokes the sound of laughter, bringing a sense of endless joy and happiness for the year ahead.

Each “Fortune Bag” is filled with a generous portion of tofu and large shrimp. Each bag is plump and full, symbolizing not only that everyone will laugh heartily in the new year but also brings the vision of abundant fortune and prosperity, with all wishes fulfilled and a bounty of blessings!

The Artistry of the Fortune Bags

Another highlight of this dish is the presentation of the “Fortune Bags.” These bags, with their small and charming appearance and abundant filling, symbolize a wealth of blessings. The tofu is expertly prepared to not only retain its delicate texture but also to incorporate rich flavors. Each bag is like a small package filled with good wishes, representing the vision of abundant fortune and prosperity. This craftsmanship not only enhances the texture of the tofu but also infuses each bag with a sense of happiness and auspicious meaning.

The “Fortune Tofu & Prawns Pockets” boasts a unique flavour profile, enriched with ingredients such as shiitake mushrooms, carrots, water chestnuts, and large prawns. This combination not only preserves the tofu’s original fresh aroma but also adds a rich layer of complexity. Each bite is a delightful surprise, with the tofu’s delicate taste perfectly complemented by the diverse flavours of the added ingredients. The dish is enhanced by a layer of egg white glassy glaze, which accentuates the tofu’s flavour and makes the dish even more irresistible.

In the new year, this dish symbolizes the wish for abundant wealth and overflowing blessings. Whether for a family gathering or New Year’s Eve dinner, it is an essential addition to the festive table, bringing a touch of auspiciousness and happiness. May every blessing in the new year come true, and may your celebrations be filled with joy and prosperity.



Firm Tofu

½ carton

Fried Beancurd Skin

6 pcs


6 pcs


½ stick

Shiitake Mushroom

2-3 each

Water Chestnut

2-3 pcs

Garlic Chive

6 sprigs

Sesame Oil

1 tbsp


½ tsp

Ground White Pepper

to taste

Chicken Stock


Egg White

1 each

Cornstarch Slurry

to taste


1. Crush the firm tofu and pat dry excess moisture using 2-3 sheets of kitchen paper.

2. Peel and dice the carrot. Soak and dice the mushrooms. Peel and dice the water chestnuts. (all in small dices)

3. Heat a skillet over medium heat, add sesame oil, and sauté the mushrooms, carrots, and water chestnuts until fragrant. Then add the crumbled tofu, season with salt and pepper, and continue to cook until the mixture is dry. Remove from heat and set aside.

4. Blanch the chives in hot water for a few seconds, then remove them. For the shrimp, cook until they turn colour, then peel off the heads and shells.

5. Stuff the cooked filling into the oil tofu skins, filling them halfway. Then, insert a medium shrimp into each tofu skin with the tail facing up. Use chives to tie the opening securely, knotting them, and steam for 7 minutes.

6. While steaming the "Fortune Bags," you can prepare the egg white glaze. Heat the stock in a pot until it starts to boil, then add the cornstarch slurry and stir until it thickens. Turn off the heat and quickly mix in the egg white. Once the glaze is ready, pour it over the steamed "Fortune Bags" to complete the dish.

Wishing everyone a prosperous new year filled with good fortune and endless blessings!


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