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58°C Sous Vide Chicken Breast - How to Cook Chicken Breast to its perfection

From childhood to adulthood, BigBoy has always loved eating chicken breast. Whenever Mom cooks white cut chicken, my first choice is always the chicken breast. Ultimately, it's because it's boneless and easy to eat. For a lazy person like me, chicken breast is the best part...

Many people don't like eating chicken breast, and the main reason is that the meat isn't tender enough. However, in recent years, chicken breast has become increasingly popular because it's low in fat and high in protein. Whether you're into bodybuilding or influenced by the ketogenic diet trend, chicken breast is a great choice for your menu. In fact, if cooked properly, chicken breast can be even more tender than chicken thigh meat.

A sous vide machine is an invaluable helper in this regard. I've experimented with chicken breast using a sous vide machine many times, trying different temperatures and durations. The conclusion I've reached is that 58°C for 60 minutes is perfect. After sous vide cooking, searing the surface gives it a crispy exterior while the inside remains extremely juicy and tender. Simply pairing it with olive oil and balsamic vinegar already makes for a deliciously flavourful meal.

Ingredients (serve 1-2)


Chicken Breast

1 pc (about 200g)


2 sprigs

Shimeji Mushroom


Balsamic Vinegar

2 tsp

E.V.Olive Oil / Herbed Oil

2 tsp


½ tsp

Ground Black Pepper

1 pinch

Mixed Salad Leaves

to garnish


1. Rub a little olive oil on the surface of the chicken breast, then place it in a sealable bag along with some rosemary. Slowly lower the bag into a pot of water. The water pressure will push out the air, creating about 80% vacuum conditions. Quickly seal the bag at the end.

2. Place the sous vide machine in the pot of water and cook at 58°C for 60 minutes (including the time it takes for the water to reach the target temperature).

3. After the chicken breast is cooked, remove it from the bag. Heat a pan over medium heat until it starts to smoke, then add a tbsp of oil. Place the chicken breast and mushrooms in the pan. Sear the chicken breast for 20 seconds on each side, and stir-fry the mushrooms until they're soft. Season with salt and pepper.

4. After searing, set the chicken breast aside to rest for 5 minutes, then slice it. You can clearly see that the inside of the chicken breast is tender and juicy.

5. Arrange the sliced chicken breast on a plate, then place the white beech mushrooms in the empty spaces. Drizzle olive oil or basil oil and balsamic vinegar over the dish.

6. Finally, add some salad greens to complete the dish.

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